all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 3AA 24 0 51.878473 0.578178
CM7 3AD 15 0 51.879246 0.579428
CM7 3AF 6 0 51.874177 0.582174
CM7 3BH 1 1 51.877896 0.562191
CM7 3BU 41 0 51.876298 0.561664
CM7 3BW 29 0 51.876688 0.561076
CM7 3BX 33 0 51.876394 0.559737
CM7 3BY 63 0 51.876579 0.561549
CM7 3BZ 6 0 51.87662 0.55927
CM7 3DA 1 1 51.879325 0.552726
CM7 3DD 9 0 51.878961 0.569444
CM7 3DE 2 2 51.874117 0.570997
CM7 3DJ 1 1 51.879408 0.554721
CM7 3DP 63 0 51.880197 0.573394
CM7 3DQ 3 0 51.878979 0.572337
CM7 3DR 24 0 51.879071 0.573446
CM7 3DS 39 0 51.880148 0.569846
CM7 3DT 32 0 51.879851 0.569873
CM7 3DU 28 1 51.880507 0.572337
CM7 3DX 35 0 51.879588 0.571601